I am a Catholic Homeschooling Mother of a large family trying to live out God's will for me one day at a time.I once read the following quote " How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives..."I have been really inspired to live my vocation more effectively and joyfully by reading other Moms' blogs and I hope to add what little I can to the mix.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Life. Be In It.
There are many other titles that I considered for this post. "Never A Dull Moment"- which is Larry's and my Motto. "Crazy Busy" which has been accurate. "Poor Me" was briefly entertained. "Post-Surgical Care of my Precious", and "Big Wedding- 4 Days" would explain a whole lot.
I could have used "Hither and Thither, Mom as Chauffeur", or "Sandwich Generation"- as I have been the primary contact for Grandma Dolly's recent hospitalization and admittance to Rehab (no, not that kind). I could have referenced "Obtaining an Apartment and Moving Out 101" or " Diabetic Management in the High School Setting".
"Death by Field Trips", "Latin- Not For Dummies" and "Homeschooling-Harder than It Looks" were others. "ATV's- Not As Much Fun For The Neighbors"," Big Families- A lot of Work, A lot of Fun", " Adult Kids- Don't Worry, They Turn Out Great!" and " Thank God for Daughters-In Law" would also apply.
The only title that would never work is " Bored Out of my Mind" which will probably never work. I like to be busy and if I don't have something to do, I make something to do! So, instead, I realized that this is the life that I've been called to live. I have a job to do that no one can do better than I can- because it's My job. Like the Blues Brothers, I'm on a Mission From God. Today, I choose to accept it!
The truth is, One day at a time, it's all getting done!!! What I need to remember is to wrap my day in prayer. That's the one thing that has to go at the top of the list but is too easily forgotten or rushed. With God's help, it is all a joy.
Look to this day,
For it is Life,
The very life of life.
In its brief course lie all
The realities and verities of existence.
For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today, well lived,
Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.
Sanskrit Proverb
Now, to decorate 25 pumpkins!