She assembled about half of it before moving on to other things. It has been stored on a shelf, unfinished for at least six years.

Sam asked if he could finish it and worked on it off and on for about a month making a great deal of progress.
Then Natalie came home from school with an assignment to bring in a castle! While she worked on other aspects of her project, Sam got hot on finishing this thing up. There is nothing like a deadline to get things completed!
Although this kit was wonderful, it was definitely harder than it looks to glue these buildings together and to assemble the roofs and turrets.
Somewhere along the way I had thrown out the main tower to the castle but we were able to improvise and it was hardly noticeable. As it happened, Sam and I were up long after Natalie had gone to bed on the night before this was due. I didn't mind. It was nice for him as a homeschooler to experience this kind of pressure. It had to be finished and it had to be good!
Sam added the little cardboard people that came with the kit to the courtyard. Horses and mounted men holding javelins in a mock jousting match were glued across the moat. The last thing to be done was to attach the castle to some very sturdy cardboard for carrying purposes.

Thanks to her brother's and sister's help, this castle, which was at least six years in the making, helped Natalie to get an A on her Middle Ages project! Do I have a problem with that? Not at all! That's what family's for.Together, we can get the job done.