Friday, July 15, 2011

A Fisher of Crustaceans

Jon planned a day trip for himself, his young son and Sam. The destination was a beautiful, little-known lake near-by and his goal was to catch some of the large crayfish there.
He was able to catch many crawdads by hand and all the fishermen arrived home safely. He then steam cooked them and proved to us that they not only looked like miniature lobsters, but when dipped in salted butter, they tasted like lobster, too! Who knew?
He had had so much fun fishing for these little crustaceans, that he retrieved this net that had ripped off the trampoline from the garage.Using inexpensive string, he sewed the outer edge of the net to reinforce it.
I loved the way he stretched this across the living room ( I really did!) and set this project up. Chelsea jumped right in to take a turn because it looked like fun.We were able to see that she is accomplished in needle work!
I really admire people who can do and make things. I was impressed that Jon was able to use a cast off piece of material and turn it into a tool. I would still prefer a real lobster tail, but it is nice to know that bite-sized ones are free for the catching, especially with a big net! Nice work, Jon, and more power to you!!!