Saturday, November 16, 2013

Trick or Treat

We Trick or Treated with our good friends in their neighborhood as is our custom. I was pleased that the boys had no compunction about being "too old". They suited up and showed up for a great evening of walking around in the dark with friends getting a large amount of free candy!
Kit was Joan of Arc and Juby was the Black Widow.

Three adults went with this group and we had a wonderful time enjoying the night air and the great decorations.
One special house had an outdoor "Halloween Party" going on complete with many games for the kids to play. They had to "fish" for their treat.
They had three games of corn hole set up.
and Candy "Pong".
Many folks stopped here to play the games for at least twenty minutes or more. The crowd contributed to the party atmosphere. It turned out that a church group was sponsoring this and they had some scripture verses they passed out with the candy. They also served fresh popcorn and your choice of either hot or cold apple cider. Since we could see the many adults working at the party we felt very safe eating their outdoor refreshments. I had never seen anything like this while Trick or Treating before.
Check this out! A full sized witch is projected onto the side of this house from the metal piece below it.
This was a great place to be because so many folks went to the trouble to put on a special time for the kids.
Before we left this wonderful neighborhood, we stopped by to see Tom and Holly.
They were very welcoming and generous with their candy!

I am actually eating some Halloween candy as I type this. Someone left their almost empty pillow case candy bag in front of the computer!