Monday, February 24, 2014

Nut Fest Prep

A few of my siblings have taken the lead on planning a family reunion in June. This will require a fair amount of work and attention to detail so we decided to have a monthly meeting to discuss the plans and divvy up the assignments. Our first meeting occurred impromtu at Mom and Dad's Christmas Party. The next one was held at my sister's house.
Aunt Nancy kept it simply delicious by ordering 10 feet of submarine sandwich to serve to our extended family. The sandwiches were terrific and came with lettuce, tomato, sweet red onion, mustard and mayo.
We really enjoyed them and were impressed at how easy and economical these were to feed lunch to a crowd! We appreciated the generosity.
Brian was able to rig up a live feed for Jeff who attended our meeting via computer. We could see him and he could see us. We talked about a schedule for the planned weekend that would allow time for visiting as well as fun activities, meals and accommodations.
In my experience, half the fun of any activity is in planning for it. By starting early, we hope to insure that we can all relax when the reunion happens and be a part of enjoying the people, our relatives from both sides of the family whom we are close to and who can make the trip.
It was delightful to visit with my family on this Sunday afternoon and to enjoy some fellowship together.