Friday, April 4, 2014


I am sure that no one who knows me will believe that I have LOVED every minute of watching all six seasons of "Psych" on Netflix. This is one funny show which is essentially a "Whodunit?" mystery, complete in 43 uninterrupted minutes! The two main characters, Shawn ( I saw the spelling on on episode in which he had a name plate on his desk) and Gus, short for Burton Guster are best friends from childhood. Their interactions are hilarious as they work together to solve crimes.  Astute observation techniques drilled into Shawn as he grew up by his detective father lead to his conclusions which are so precise and inspired that they seem like magic. He capitalizes on this by  claiming to be "psychic" and actually gets hired on to many cases by the police department. There are other terrific characters who are regulars on the show which are equally endearing. Many references are made to movie characters in each show which I do not understand because my movie experience is very limited but I appreciate the intelligence involved from the writers.

Most of the seasons we have watched as a family but I have to say that the last season or two, that became harder to do. I was forced to turn off an occasional episode along the way and move on to the next one due to impurity, a too graphic crime scene or other affronts to our faith. It definitely did show me how the standards for TV shows decreased over time.

This program has been a real pleasure to view during leisure time and I found it very easy to watch "just one more episode" on Netflix. What a great way to go! I really appreciate not having my time wasted with commercials. I have been given suggestions about other series on Netflix that might be worth watching. For now, I am just starting this series over from the beginning to catch the  occasional episode that I missed along the way.