The ceremony was held in the gym and began with a Mass of the Holy Spirit.The two Commencement speakers were fantastic! They encouraged to the students to hold onto their faith and to use the gifts that they had been given to evangelize and to be a part of the new Springtime of the faith. Their messages were very well received by both the students and the families.
The students were also acknowledged for their HARD work in accomplishing this goal.It was interesting to see the very impressive list of honors,scholarships and future plans of many of the students.
I was amazed by how formal, solemn and "excellent" this whole occasion was. There was no foolishness of any kind. The graduates were mature adults who participated in a wholehearted yet sober way.
Our joy was so much more complete in that Jeff, Cindi and Mom and Dad were with us.Cindi gave Tori a gorgeous bouquet. We all thought that these type of flowers might be perfect for the fall wedding we are planning.

The glorious weather was an added treat as we walked through Christendom College's small but beautiful campus.
Next, there was a magnificent reception in a sunlit room in the Commons.There was PLENTY of the nicest hors d'oevres; meatballs, cheeses,eggrolls,pineapples and strawberries and little desert bars.
I would like to note that Tori has never been a fan of homeschooling. She has worked incredibly hard for many years. She has read a LONG list of great books, written MANY a difficult paper and has shoveled out more horse stalls and dealt with more horses and horsewomen than I can count. She has done her work well and has been self-motivated every step of the way. I sincerely hope and pray that God will continue to bless her for her obedience to His Will as shown by her obedience to her parents in this area.This is a great achievement and the credit goes to her and to God. Congratulations, Tori! Thanks for everything.