We thought long and hard before signing up for Spring Soccer.
For one thing, the weather is not usually as nice as in the Fall.
We've had quite a few practices canceled and a game post-poned and rescheduled because of the record amounts of rainfall in our area.
The other deterrent was the full-time commitment three soccer teams adds to our schedule.
This Saturday, we have three games and a wedding to attend. That doesn't even include the girls' activities!
On the other hand, there is nothing I like to see more than kids running around in the fresh air.The fields are so green and the surroundings so beautiful.
In some ways, soccer itself seems a little "contrived" and "canned". The old fogy in me says " How come we need to drive to a field at a certain time to play ball with a bunch of other kids? How come they can't all play in the yard like we did?"
The answer to that question is: because that is never going to happen at home. There are no other kids around.
By going to soccer practice, ( three evenings a week, for an hour, just a few miles away), they have the opportunity to play with at least 10 other kids their own age and get to know them.They learn to work as a team, which is an important skill to practice in every area of life.
Larry and I both enjoy the games. He really watches every bit of strategy and cheers accordingly. I enjoy the weather, chit-chatting with the other soccer moms and seeing all the kids run back and forth getting much needed exercise while having fun!