Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spring Soccer

We thought long and hard before signing up for Spring Soccer.

For one thing, the weather is not usually as nice as in the Fall.
 We've had quite a few practices canceled and a game post-poned and rescheduled because of the record amounts of rainfall in our area.
The other deterrent was the full-time commitment three soccer teams adds to our schedule.
This Saturday, we have three games and a wedding to attend. That doesn't even include the girls' activities!
On the other hand, there is nothing I like to see more than kids running around in the fresh air.The fields are so green and the surroundings so beautiful.
In some ways, soccer itself seems a little "contrived" and "canned". The old fogy in me says " How come we need to drive to a field at a certain time to play ball with a bunch of other kids? How come they can't all play in the yard like we did?"
The answer to that question is: because that is never going to happen at home. There are no other kids around.
By going to soccer practice, ( three evenings a week, for an hour, just a few miles away), they have the opportunity to play with at least 10 other kids their own age and get to know them.They learn to work as a team, which is an important skill to practice in every area of life.

Larry and I both enjoy the games. He really watches every bit of strategy and cheers accordingly. I  enjoy the weather, chit-chatting with the other soccer moms and seeing all the kids run back and forth getting much needed exercise while having fun!