Tuesday, May 13, 2014


John also joined us for the Coronation of Queen Shenandoah LXXXVII held at a beautiful local high school.
We parked at John's parents' house and took the time to meet them, fine folks, now that we have an engagement!
Each princess was introduced by her whole name accompanied by her escort and took her place on the stage.
Then the Queen Designate, always the daughter of a celebrity, in this case the daughter of Sean Astin, star from the Hobbit and the grand-daughter of the father of The Adams Family TV show. The script for the  Coronation rite was written over  eighty years ago and is full of pomp.
Once again, pink and green in every and any shade are the colors to wear. Almost every person in town follows this dress code for all the days of the Festival!

We hurried off after the program ended to work a parking lot. We helped to park cars before the Firefighters' Parade and our Youth Group made over a thousand dollars from the 10 dollar parking donation per car.