Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ready for Halloween

Sam has been fortunate in finding some great costumes at yard sales lately. He knows that I'm not much on Halloween and so I won't buy this kind of thing.
But for 3 bucks, he's now set with plenty of capes  and lids for everyone! The little guy isn't sure what to think...
 These guys are having fun donning  creepy get ups and running around the neighborhood. Our kids have been known to trick or treat anytime they think of it- free candy should not be restricted to one night of the year! They are often successful as the neighbors are generous and seem to get a kick out of it.
 What a great age!
Lord, please help me to remember that these years go by very quickly. Please help me to ENJOY them and to focus on all that is good by being  more encouraging to my boys. Amen.