Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Perfect Patient

When Miss J.was scheduled for a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy after not being able to breathe through her nose for 10 days, Tim and Kristy brought over some ice cream and pops to put in the freezer.It is a good thing that they did- I forgot to buy some before her surgery.
This is her excited smile on the morning of her surgery. The Ear Nose and Throat doctor's office had given her a CD to watch on what to expect for this operation. She watched it 5 times. The people in the CD were locals and she recognized them when we got to the hospital.
In the instructional CD, a girl brings her teddy bear to the hospital while she is getting her tonsils out. Miss J. was inspired to bring her doll, Sarah, who is having her wristband applied. Sarah's outfit was crocheted by my late Mother-in-law many years ago.
I was absolutely amazed  by the success of that CD in that this child had not one drop of fear as we went through the preparation for surgery. Everything was unfolding just as the CD said it would. It was like an adventure for her.
The entire operative team came in to introduce themselves. Miss J. continued to recognize people from the CD.The service was first rate. I felt very grateful for it because my daughter had been ill for many days. I felt a pang of concern for other moms all over the world who would give anything for this kind of excellent medical care.
Here she is still smiling as they wheeled her away. She was completely at ease!
In Recovery, Miss J. was taken care of by a nurse I used to work with. When I complimented the instructional video, the nurse was thrilled because she had helped to write it and film it.
At home, the popsicles and ice cream were the main things she ate for a week.She did very well in her recovery except for a time of severe pain every night despite the round the clock pain med. administration.
 The whole experience and the hair net prop gave her some inspiration for some "nurse" role-playing.
Who knows! God works in very mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. Maybe a health-care career is in her future.She certainly is breathing better during the day and night.
Thank you, Dear Lord, for bringing her through this operation and recovery period safely. Please be with all mothers of sick children and provide for what they need.Amen.