Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fun-To-Make Potholders

We were recently  inspired to pull out our plastic looms and a large-to-bursting zip-lock bag full of nylon hoops.
Over the course of a week or so, we made twelve of these colorful pot-holders. The kids could easily string the first layer, and I would often help with the second, where the actual weaving takes place.
We don't really use these to pick up hot pots, with the exception of the saucepan filled with water on the wood stove. That handle gets very hot and since the water needs to be replenished daily, a potholder is necesary. Instead, we found that these make beautiful and useful mats to place under a burning candle.We gave some matching sets away as gifts to other candle lovers.
It was a lot of fun to select patterns and to see how they turned out. Even the boys enjoyed it!
These 4x4 squares are also cute as quilted bedspreads in the dollhouse. I hope to be able to find more of these weaving loops in the stores to tuck away for the next time we get creative!