Friday, April 15, 2011

Honoring a Brother

Our family experienced the unexpected and tragic loss of my husband's brother in the past week. These are the words that Larry shared at the funeral to try to express all that Tommy was to him.

        "For anyone that doesn't know or can't see the resemblance, Tommy was my brother. I appreciate the opportunity to say a few words here today.I would like to express my personal appreciation to everyone who made the effort to be here.
          My brother was a good man. He was a dedicated husband, father, uncle, grandfather, son and brother.Tom was a fun-loving man with a big heart, a wonderful smile and a good sense of humor. And, for the ladies, he was easy on the eyes!
          In fact, as he used to say, 'he was my taller,younger, thinner, better- looking brother!' and I would say to him 'you need a second opinion!' Seriously folks, he was the cute one with the great hair. He would comb his hair and could go into a tornado, and not one hair would be out of place.
          No man loved his family more than Tommy did. From the first time he told me about Debbie, some 34 years ago, he spoke with romantic love and he never changed that tune.His son, niece and and grand-daughter were special gifts from God to him .My brother loved deeply and with passion and he made the effort to spread his joy and excitement to family and friends.
          Tommy liked to talk, and talk, and talk. Heck, he'd talk your ear off! He had the gift of gab, a unique vocal pattern and a great voice.He would take the time to swap stories or opinions, even with strangers. Once Tommy got locked onto a subject he was like a pit bull. He wouldn't let go.When we were kids our mom used to let him have his way just to hush him up! He got a lot of mileage out of that tactic.
          Tommy and I weren't always friends.As kids we fought everyday and didn't care much for each other.I was so cruel to Tommy back then that I told him we found him in a ditch and  Mom and Dad adopted him.Once we reached adulthood we quit fighting and became close friends and never looked back.We had a lot of fun together playing music and baseball, chasing girls and raising a little h---. More than a little!
          We started playing music when we were teens. Our mother loved to sing and our half-brother Jimmy taught us to play and got us started.Our father just put up with all of us and our crazy rock and roll.Tommy was an accomplished drummer and I was the guitar player.We agreed we'd never switch roles, so I didn't touch his drums and he didn't get near my guitar.We wrote music and sang harmonies. Our voices blended because we were brothers.Tommy sang the lead most of the time. It still amazes me how he could play the drums using all four limbs, and sing the lead vocal. We played in bands off and on for over twenty years.
I'll miss my drummer.
           Tommy was also an outstanding athlete. He played at the hardest position on the baseball team as catcher. He used to taunt unsuspecting batters with his unique humor behind the plate.He was a tough catcher and runners sometimes made the mistake of trying to run over him. Bad idea! I loved baseball and had to work hard at it but Tommy was a natural.
        Like many of you here today, I have a lifetime of happy memories which will someday replace the pain of his passing. Our last words were that we loved each other and that's what counts. I will miss my brother for the rest of my life."
                          Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Amen