Monday, September 19, 2011

Lemon Yellow

I grabbed my camera because it just happened that my kitchen was ablaze in the color yellow all at the same time! Tori gave Natalie at least a dozen yellow roses during her recent hospitalization.This reminded me that my parents gave me a dozen yellow roses for my sixteenth birthday back when roses were not so easy to come by.I was saddened that I had forgotten to do the same for Natalie although I remembered roses for her sisters on their sixteenth.I was thrilled that Tori's gift was so timely and made up for my lapse ( I hope!).
 The roses were beautiful while blooming but now had faded. We allowed Miss J. to cut them up to play with. She happened to have my yellow shirt on.
Meanwhile, John was standing right next to her scooping yellow vanilla pudding. He was doing another experiment which called for lemon jello. Not having that, we substituted pudding. The idea was to see if one dyed lemon jello red, would people think it tasted like cherries or strawberry jello. Humans use their eyes as well as their sense of smell when eating. Unfortunately, nobody was fooled by " vanilla" pudding dyed red. They didn't think it was some kind of cherry pudding because that doesn't exist. Red jello is very common though, and we all agreed that it could have fooled someone into thinking that lemon jello, dyed red, could be thought to be"cherry jello".