Monday, November 12, 2012

Bluejay Days

I have really been noticing a preponderance of Bluejays lately. Six or seven at a time can be seen flitting, flying and dive-bombing in the yard. Besides their spectacular plumage, it is their large size, bigger than many other song birds, that makes them easy to spot!
I wondered if it was just our yard and then began to notice them everywhere else in town as I drove around doing errands.
I am not sure if they all just flew in from somewhere else, like the robins do in March, or if seeing more of them now is because of  their beautifully bright blue color which stands out against the brown fallen leaves.
Now that I am more aware of them, I would like to see if they just visit in the fall, or if they will be here all winter.
I am grateful to John for taking these pictures for me which were too hard for me to capture myself.