Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Good-Bye, Grandma Dolly

Grandma Dolly passed away in her sleep and our family helped her to be buried with dignity.
She and I had made all the arrangements in advance and I recommend that to everyone. What a big help to know exactly what she wanted and what was important to her. The historical details were provided by her for her obituary when we prearranged. I would not have known those things to include.
Although she had wanted a graveside service, the day of her funeral included torrential rain. None of the senior citizens, her sister and nieces and nephews, nor the children would have been able to be outside in those conditions. We were able to use the church and her own minister played the piano while we sang The Old Rugged Cross and Amazing Grace. Larry, Jeff, Greg, Sam, John and Jon were her Pall Bearers. I was very proud of these men in my life for taking the time off from work to do her this honor. It was a very nice service and typical of Baptist funerals, we were invited to get up and tell a few stories about Dolly. That personalized it. She was a fun and unique person!
After the funeral, we went for lunch at a buffet restaurant and had a great meal together.
Tori couldn't make it due to taking her Final Exam. That was fitting because we have a family joke that Grandma Dolly never could remember who Tori was. She could definitely remember her boyfriend, but not her! I appreciated that Tori was able to clean her apartment for her twice in the fall. Dolly lived on her own for over nine and a half decades! We should all be so lucky. She will be missed and remembered.