Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Juby received a Kindle as her big Christmas gift from Jeff and Chelsea. She is the last one in a long line of siblings whom Jeff has spoiled on Christmas with something extra special. She is a terrific reader and she loves her new Kindle! It is her first piece of technology and she has figured out how to download good books from a collection that Jeff uploaded to our computer. I thought you had to get downloads at the public library so we brought her USB cord there when next we visited. I was amazed that you are supposed to do all that from home!
She is using the dictionary section to fill in her vocabulary words above. I don't mind that. She knows how to look words up in a real book dictionary. She is writing the words' definitions in her vocabulary workbook and having fun at the same time.
So far, she has read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and most of The Diary of  a Young Girl   by Ann Frank. I am a firm believer in the idea of "You are what you read", so I will supervise carefully what is downloaded onto her Kindle. I may even get to try reading on her Kindle because she obtained the Jane Austen novel Mansfield Park, hoping that I would read it that way instead of in book form.