Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thanksgiving Teamwork

The aluminum foil keeping the food warm hides the abundance of a Thanksgiving meal that served 61 people this year.
3 inches of wet, melting snow impacted our day. Four new babies and two young toddlers had six sets of young parents very busy packing not only warm, outdoor clothing with a change for later, but also food for the meal!
Thank God for teamwork! Steve sliced to perfection two turkeys and a ham. Aunt Nancy organized the reheating of casserole dishes and the overall flow of getting this banquet onto the table.
I peeled 15 pounds of potatoes which Jackie mashed and expertly seasoned. She taught me the difference between mashed and whipped potatoes. We agreed, mashed are better!
The walkers, cold and wet from the snow, returned to these incredible Deviled Eggs, taken to a whole new level with crisp bacon topping each! Holly treated us all to trays full of fresh fruit, vegetables and cheese and crackers before the Walk.
The turkeys and hams were so moist and delicious! The young mothers supplied a number of side dishes.
The Turkey Bowl was played in the snow,
and The Cheetah Club, with the young cheetahs, built a snowman.

One of my favorite parts of the day is when all the work of serving and clean -up is done and the ladies can sit and visit. Although the energy of the day was spent mostly in taking care of little family members and the logistics of serving up a feast, we had a chance to pause as a family, and to give thanks to Almighty God for our many blessings, most especially-each other.