Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pond Habitat

In Juby's Behold and See 3 Science Book, she needed to list all of the animal life that she saw  around a pond. We put that exercise off until we could make an afternoon of it and took Kit with us.
I usually find these kind of walks to be delightful in themselves and never expect to actually see much of what you are trying to look for, but not so on this occasion! We saw MANY different kinds of animals including fish, amphibians, songbirds, waterfowl and crawdad skeletons of varying sizes. This pond is stocked and we saw trout and bass.
 Three turtles were observed, one of which was at least 12 inches across the shell.
Mallard ducks and their ducklings,

and many Canadian geese and goslings were observed.
It was a beautiful spring day, so much cooler than the very hot summer weather we are experiencing lately.
Juby chose not to take notes as we went, but was later able to write a long list of the animals we had seen in and around the pond in her science workbook.