Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wedding Card Box

It wasn't until I wrapped this box that i realized it would have made for an interesting blog post! This is one of those decorative "treasure boxes" with a little latch on the front, this one covered in Eiffel towers and "Paris" written all over it. i picked it up at Ross for about 8 dollars. I cut a slit in the top and wrapped it in wedding paper. This will be the box for any cards given at the wedding.
I got this idea from Kristy who wrapped three "gift boxes" in a stack for her wedding. Once a card dropped into that stack (the slit went through all three) it wasn't able to be taken out until much later at the proper time.
 I don't mean to be tacky at all! I hope this is like a Pintrest idea. I know of one bride who used a bird cage with slits in it for her cards. She felt like she had lost some cards at her wedding ( staff? Not guests!) and was in the uncomfortable position of not sending any thank yous because she felt like those gifts were lost. The box above is secure because it is completely wrapped. Plus, it is reusable! After the wedding, the couple can unwrap and open it with the latch. I have it tucked away for any future weddings and will wrap it up in those wedding colors.