Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Making Corsages

My dear friend Erika used to work in a flower shop. I arranged with her to come over for an evening to help me make the corsages and boutonnieres for the wedding.
We ordered two dozen white roses, a bunch of baby's breath and a a package of assorted greens from Costco. Spools of ribbon in coral and ivory I had picked up at Hobby Lobby as well as stem wire and lots of flower tape.

Erika showed me how to cut the rose stem and take off most of the leaves around the bottom of the bud. Then she inserted the piece of stem wire through the stem and folded it down on both sides, twisting it together. Green leaves are then added in and the whole thing is wrapped in stem tape.
Working with the fresh flowers was lovely!
By the end of the evening, we had put together five corsages for the Moms and Grandmoms,  and nine boutonnieres for the groomsmen, Dads and  Granddads. I have to say that they turned very well! While spending the evening with my good friend, we accomplished our task and she taught me a new skill that I will be able to use for any other wedding in the future! Many thanks, Erika!.
The next morning I picked up the five bouquets for the wedding party and the flowers to make Tori's bouquet. Everything was cut down to hand carrying size and the stems were then covered with gorgeous coral ribbon, ready for the next big day!