Thursday, August 18, 2011

Playing Games

Playing games can be a great way to spend time together. They are a way for folks to have fun and build relationships.

 They can teach many social skills like being pleasant, being fair and negotiating conflict.
 Most kids love games.
I realize that there is a whole lot of talking and interaction that can take place with computer and video games, but I  prefer  the 3-D aspect of board games.

 They can be a safe and interesting ice breaker!
Sometimes they can be time-consuming to set up. In that case, it's best to leave them out for a few days so that others can come along and play them, also.
 Parcheesi is my favorite game. I spent many hours playing it with my childhood friends, Laurie and Kim.
I own an older version of this game with the wonderful wooden pieces. I ask the kids to be careful with them because they mean a lot to me.
 Both John and Juby particularly like to play games with me. It's not always easy for a busy mom to sit down and play a game with her children. However, I value the lessons that playing board games can teach in such a fun way. It  would be very wise to build a time for a daily game into my homeschool day with my two youngest! And wiser still to take the time to play with the older kids, too!