Friday, April 4, 2014

Crocheting Away

Juby wanted an afghan and I started this one the day after Christmas.
She picked the colors out for it and I think she hit it just right.
I kept trying to get her to switch to a "Ballet" pink, but she really wanted this dark intense pink.
Everyone loves it!!!! It looks so good with the black and white.
This blanket fits a twin bed. It is the largest one I have made so far. Like all the others, it is in a double- crochet stitch as that is all I know how to do. It took two months to complete.
On this day, I had a wonderful photo-op! Patience, Juby and Gentleman are each wound up in the blanket made just for them. If Handsome had been here, as well as Lindsay's little sweetheart, and Audrey's little lady, we could have pictured their blankets, too.
Spoiler alert: the afghan on the right is my newest project (in Easter colors and almost complete), for Nancy's baby, Cupcake.