Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do It Yourself Breakfast

In this picture, John is eating some eggs that he cooked all by himself. It was 10:30 am and he was taking a break from his schoolwork to eat outside on a beautiful day.This is one of the things that I like about homeschooling.He could take the time to fix something good and also to enjoy the weather.
Natalie is doing the same thing.They all know that breakfast around here is a self-serve operation.Usually, it is cereal but occasionally we run out of milk. I don't realize that we are low on milk because I rarely drink it. Eggs are such a great food because they are a complete protein, tasty,versatile and cheap.I really should quit buying cereal and stick to eggs and toast. Everyone would probably be healthier and the behavior would be better.
I love to cook breakfast foods, but only at dinner time.Once a month or so I might make a big breakfast on the week-end.What I REALLY like to do in the morning is drink coffee.I have one cup sitting down before I do anything else and often say my prayers and read a meditation.I pour a second cup and make my list for the day.Then it is time to get to work on the business of the day.I can't stand to rush  around in the morning and this homeschooling lifestyle allows me to start my day at the time of my choosing.At this point, I am getting up at 7:30, the kids at 8, and we start at 9 am. It is going to be a busy one with book reports needing to be finished and typed, so it's past time to begin!