Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Great Day for Drying

I was able to get a good start on my day, Wednesday, by putting a load of laundry in on Tuesday evening.  Before beginning the schoolwork, I ran out to hang a load and put a second load on to wash.That load I had hanging by 10 am with the sun just starting to come over the roof of the house.
I could tell it was going to be a great day for drying because of the strong breeze blowing and the sun shining. It was so perfect, in fact, that I couldn't help myself. I went into Meg's room to find more laundry to do! The clothesline now had three loads of dark clothes on it including eight pairs of sleeping pants, sweatshirts, jeans, jods,shirts and a towel or two.
I absolutely love my clothesline. The first house that Larry and I bought had a nice full length one along one edge of the yard. On that one you could hang almost a full load along one string. Each item had full sun until the next load was hung.We installed this umbrella type at our next house in the city and at this house in the country. The purchase price of 70 dollars or so has been made back countless times from the money saved on our electric bill from not using the dryer.On some days, the only time I get outside is hanging and folding the clothes, where honestly, I do some of my best thinking. The repetitive physical work of dealing with laundry in this way leads to a meditative state.
There are MANY subdivisions that have restrictions against clotheslines which I do not understand. To me there is nothing offensive about clothes hanging out to dry.What is it that offends? When I am driving along I get a kick out of seeing other peoples' lines. It looks both ordered and  industrious. It can almost be an art form.With all this talk about being "green " and recycling, a clothesline makes sense. It costs a LOT to dry one pair of jeans in the dryer, much less enough for a whole family for a whole week. I actually hang clothes indoors in the basement all winter long while the wood stove is burning but even in winter,there are many days that the clothes can be hung outdoors..
Occasionally, the day does get cloudy and threatens rain. In that case, I go out and quickly get my laundry in. If it needs to be finished in the dryer, so be it. My labor and the elements have definitely reduced the time that it will take to dry them. If I am not at home and they get soaked, oh well. Eventually, the sun will shine again and they will dry! 
Many times I ask one of the girls to bring in the laundry while I cook dinner.Most of the time, we fold each piece as it is taken down and put it into the hamper. Oftentimes, I will fold all the items from one family member by going around the line and create a whole pile of their stuff which is easy to separate when I step in.

This time, Natalie and her little side-kick agreed to bring it in unfolded in hampers and Tori folded it in the laundry room.
I personally recommend a clothesline to anyone who doesn't have one. It is efficient, economical, and good for the environment. Additionally, it allows me to express myself (yeah, I need to get a life!) and think deep thoughts. It actually makes laundry fun and a pleasure to do.