Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Boy's Imagination

Since I received my camera and started this blog on Christmas Day, it has been interesting to notice the patterns and relationships between the things that we have always done but that I  hadn't appreciated as much for lack of recording them.One of the things that stood out to me was how many pictures I have taken of John playing with little figures. John has a fantastic imagination.
When he has some free time, he sets up any kind of small game pieces that are handy and arranges them into formations. He creates battles with lots of sound effects.He especially likes to use game boards but uses them with different pieces and plays with them in his own way. We are all very proud of his ability to play and hope that it continues for a long time.
Consequently, John rarely gets bored. He always has something he would like to be playing. This helps him to get his schoolwork done  promptly so that he can play. This is something that I have to remember to respect and not ask him to get up and go do a job that could wait. A child's work is to play. It doesn't last forever.
He also has to plan his game so that his nephew, the 15 month old King, doesn't make short work of all his careful arrangements! That's why he is usually at the dinner table.G-money must have been at the park on this day!
It is a real gift to know how to play and to be happy in one's own company.When a child is playing well, he is not underfoot being annoying. I am thrilled that John has this gift from God (I have nothing to do with it) and hope that it serves him well for years to come.