Sunday, March 14, 2010

Donut Sunday

         Our parish has Donut Sunday almost every week. The different groups in the parish take turns hosting which allows them to raise funds while offering a service to the Church. Our Sanctuary is a very quiet place since the Lord is always present there. Fellowship over coffee and donuts takes place downstairs in the Hall. The process of hosting donuts is very streamlined with written directions on how to do it.Our parish orders 21 Dozen donuts and 4 dozen Bagels each week. The donuts and coffee are offered free of charge but we do take a donation. Any money raised after costs belongs to the group.
        Our Homeschool Group hosted today. Two families each did the set-up, the 9:15 Mass, and the 11:15 Mass with clean up. We usually raise between 65 and 90 dollars for the morning. Our cousins joined our group after moving here and so we worked together. I love to help with Donut Sunday because it is service work that we can do as a family. I have other opportunities for service work in my life but I really don't feel good about leaving my family in order to do it.
        Working in my parish's kitchen to serve the donuts and make the coffee has made both me and my children feel even more connected to our wonderful church. Today, it really was a pleasure to serve.